Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Intern Intros

It's almost here!! The summer I have been waiting approximately 5 years for. Interning at BigStuf Camps has always been a dream of  mine, but it's kinda like, winning the lottery or being on a game show.. you never actually think it'll happen until BAM its here. Ready or not. There you go. 

I hate to brag, but I have arguably the best intern team BigStuf has ever seen. We have already bonded so much via facebook and I can already give you all a little preview of how great their personalities mesh with my own. They're sort of the cast for my summer so, if you ever get confused as to who i'm refering to, just flip back to this post and refresh your memory (mom).
Adam, Super random, amazing singer hailing from UGA.
Daniella, Great Personality, always seems to be up late when I need to talk.
Sarah, seems to be very organized. This will be her 2nd trip to BigStuf.
Cody, Long, super awesome hair. He goes to the BIGGEST campus in the world (Berry College)
Aly, probably going to be my wedding movie buddy. You know how i am about those #Bridesmaids!
Josh, two words: Oak Bridge.
Shannon, She has a very talented dog :) annnd she can make practically anything out of duct tape!
Danger, aka, John Leonard. Growing a mullet? He plays basketball. nuff said.
Hannah, My fellow Hoosier!! I'll know her the most, first! (riding to atl with me)
Dylan, I can already tell he will be an awesome friend! Totally understands my randomness.
Alexa, Also amazing singer. and uses abbreviations, like me!
Langer, Her name is Emily Langer, mine is Emily Lanman, 3 letters different, this could get interesting.
Kelsey, Goes to school in california, world traveler. Supes Cool!
Jonathan, Apparently the MOST excited? Yeah right. thats totally me.
Courtney, she's from Minnesota, how much cooler can you get?!
and Megan rides her bike at school, she obvi doesn't go to Western, Right?!

Well thats the interns! Next tuesday it all begins! Keep praying for us!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read this...prayers always....we are so happy for you and your apparent enthusiasm for this wonderful safe!
