Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. I've recently started listing the break-down of my day on 3x5 note cards in order to keep myself on task and challenge myself to stretch those extra minutes into productivity. Needless to say, I've started walking faster, staying up later and sadly, realizing just how short a day is. I can fit 24 hours on one piece of paper?! Life should amount to more than that! It makes me think of the song from RENT, Seasons of Love. 525,600 minutes… That’s all I get for one year?? How are you spending yours? More importantly, how am I spending mine!?
This summer I have been chosen to take my relationship with Christ to a whole new level. I will be interning at BigStuf Camps, a  Christian youth camp that drives out the stereotypes and influences young minds to see things from a higher perspective. I found out that I would have this opportunity on March 15th. This gave me two months and three days, (a mere 93,600 minutes after daylight savings), to get a passport, donations for my trip, and meet all the other interns that would soon become my support system, no, my family. Yes, it’s exciting. And yes, it’s a major boost to the ego to think how tan I’ll be after living in Florida all summer (!), but all I’ve been doing is worrying about everything! When is my passport coming in? Can I move my finals up to spend more time at home? How is it going to count for my internship? Will it interfere with Phi Mu? I think the real question I should be asking myself is, why on earth would I ever question the God that has given me this blessing? Turns out my passport will be here in 3 weeks, (30,240 minutes) and in one weekend I raised 1/3 of my needed funding for my trip! It is incredible to watch what happens when you let HIM take care of things.
So I’m coming to terms with the next 93,600 minutes. I’m throwing out the note cards that made my days fly by. I’m only getting older, and there’s a better way to age than stress; it’s called “with friends”. They don’t leave wrinkles ;).
Oh--  and changing my song selection:
I can reminisce about the already 
I can worry and fret about the not yet 
But when it all comes down I know it really 
Really all comes down to the right now 
So right now 
I'm living the next 5 minutes 
Like these are my last 5 minutes 
'cause I know the next 5 minutes 
May be all I have 
And after the next 5 minutes 
Turn into the last 5 minutes 
I'm taking the next 5 minutes 
And starting all over again 
Starting all over again

1 comment:

  1. You're cute. Love you!! Tiiime is on your side....yes it is. --Seastar 1
